This application is used to calculate the errors in experimental measurements of various laboratory experiments related to the phenomena of interference and diffraction of light. In particular this is the labs that take place in the course of Physical Optics II School of Optometry at the Complutense University of Madrid. The application displays a brief summary of each practice (button "View Summary"), including the objective and methodology. Calculator errors in each practice measured directly measuring instruments values are entered; ruler, goniometer or tape measure, and errors are also introduced, ie the details of such instruments. The values must be entered respecting the units are indicated on each box. The application calculates ("Calculate" button) the error values of the magnitudes are then calculated from these direct measures. That is, the calculator throws errors indirect measures. Indirect shown without rounding errors.The program includes the following laboratory experiments. The first deals with the interference of light using a Fresnel biprism. Analyzing the distribution of light that appears (pattern interferential fringes) the wavelength of the laser used is determined. The second experiment analyzes the phenomenon of diffraction using simple objects; slit, circular aperture, diffraction grating. By observing and measuring on the diffraction pattern generated object size information is obtained. The last experience analyzes determining the wavelengths of a light source as an element disperser using a diffraction grating.